Algorithm Database Builder --- 7x7x7 Super Cubes --- JavaScript Version 1.4 --- Copyright (c) 2012 mementoslangues Generation of Algorithm Database Database generated on Sat Sep 15 2012 09:42:00 GMT+0200 (Paris, Madrid (heure d’été)) Cube size: 7 Super Cube mode: true Check color of edges: false Database of Corners 3-Cycles Database is complete. Phase 2/2: conjugated seeds. Pre-conjugation mode is OFF. Elapsed Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) = 00:00:05 Sym-Database Statistics: Number of Indexed Algorithms in Sym-Database: 15 Average Number of Moves per Algorithm: 9.1 Number of Algorithms of Length 8: 6 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 40 % Number of Algorithms of Length 9: 4 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 26.7 % Number of Algorithms of Length 10: 3 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 20 % Number of Algorithms of Length 11: 1 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 6.7 % Number of Algorithms of Length 12: 1 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 6.7 % Encoded Representatives Statistics: Number of Encoded Representatives: 15 Number of Encoded Seeds: 11 New Seeds Statistics: Number of New Seeds: 11 Current Seeds Stack Statistics: Number of Seeds in Stack: 11 Number of Seeds of Length 8: 2 --- Percentage of Total Seeds in Stack: 18.2 % Number of Seeds of Length 9: 4 --- Percentage of Total Seeds in Stack: 36.4 % Number of Seeds of Length 10: 3 --- Percentage of Total Seeds in Stack: 27.3 % Number of Seeds of Length 11: 1 --- Percentage of Total Seeds in Stack: 9.1 % Number of Seeds of Length 12: 1 --- Percentage of Total Seeds in Stack: 9.1 % Number of Blocks of Seeds in Stack: 5 First 10 Seeds in Stack: L D' L' U L D L' U' L2 F R F' L2 F R' F' U2 R2 U' L' U R2 U' L U' U2 B U' F2 U B' U' F2 U' R' F2 R' B R F2 R' B' R2 R U2 R D2 R' U2 R D2 R2 L D' F2 D L' D' L F2 L' D U R' B2 R F R' B2 R F' U' U B' L F2 L' B L F2 L' U' U L U2 L D' L' U2 L D L2 U' 15 Algorithms in Sym-Database: U L' U R2 U' L U R2 U2 (9 moves) (BAD) U F2 U B U' F2 U B' U2 (9 moves) (LAD) R U L U' R' U L' U' (8 moves) (SAD) B2 L2 B R2 B' L2 B R2 B (9 moves) (WAD) U' B' U F U' B U F' (8 moves) (HAD) U' R' U L2 U' R U L2 (8 moves) (UAD) U' B2 U F U' B2 U F' (8 moves) (MAD) F' U B' U' F U B U' (8 moves) (QAD) D' L F2 L' D L D' F2 D L' (10 moves) (SED) F U F2 U B' U' F2 U B U2 F' (11 moves) (UED) R2 B R F2 R' B' R F2 R (9 moves) (MED) U' R2 U R2 U F2 U' R2 U' R2 U F2 (12 moves) (WBD) F2 L' B L F2 L' B' L (8 moves) (JBD) U F R' B2 R F' R' B2 R U' (10 moves) (HLD) U L F2 L' B' L F2 L' B U' (10 moves) (QLD)