Algorithm Database Builder --- 7x7x7 Super Cubes --- JavaScript Version 1.4 --- Copyright (c) 2012 mementoslangues Generation of Algorithm Database Database generated on Sat Sep 15 2012 09:43:30 GMT+0200 (Paris, Madrid (heure d’été)) Cube size: 7 Super Cube mode: true Check color of edges: false Database of Corner-Centers 3-Cycles Database is complete. Phase 2/2: conjugated seeds. Pre-conjugation mode is OFF. Elapsed Time (Hours:Minutes:Seconds) = 00:00:05 Sym-Database Statistics: Number of Indexed Algorithms in Sym-Database: 49 Average Number of Moves per Algorithm: 8.6 Number of Algorithms of Length 8: 27 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 55.1 % Number of Algorithms of Length 9: 17 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 34.7 % Number of Algorithms of Length 10: 3 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 6.1 % Number of Algorithms of Length 11: 1 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 2 % Number of Algorithms of Length 12: 1 --- Percentage of Total DataBase Algorithms: 2 % Encoded Representatives Statistics: Number of Encoded Representatives: 49 Number of Encoded Seeds: 15 New Seeds Statistics: Number of New Seeds: 15 Current Seeds Stack Statistics: Number of Seeds in Stack: 15 Number of Seeds of Length 8: 13 --- Percentage of Total Seeds in Stack: 86.7 % Number of Seeds of Length 10: 2 --- Percentage of Total Seeds in Stack: 13.3 % Number of Blocks of Seeds in Stack: 2 First 10 Seeds in Stack: R NU' NL' NU R' NU' NL NU R NU' NR' NU R' NU' NR NU NR U' NL' U NR' U' NL U NR U' NF' U NR' U' NF U R2 NU' NL' NU R2 NU' NL NU R2 NU' NR' NU R2 NU' NR NU NR2 U' NL' U NR2 U' NL U NR2 U' NF' U NR2 U' NF U NR2 NU' L' NU NR2 NU' L NU NR2 NU' R' NU NR2 NU' R NU 49 Algorithms in Sym-Database: NU L' NU NR2 NU' L NU NR2 NU2 (9 moves) (BAD) NR' NF NR F NR' NF' NR F' (8 moves) (IAD) F' NL' NB NL F NL' NB' NL (8 moves) (JAD) NR NB NR' F NR NB' NR' F' (8 moves) (KAD) F' NL NF NL' F NL NF' NL' (8 moves) (LAD) NU' R' NU NL NU' R NU NL' (8 moves) (GAD) NU NF' NU' F NU NF NU' F' (8 moves) (EAD) NU' R' NU NL' NU' R NU NL (8 moves) (RAD) NU' NB NU F NU' NB' NU F' (8 moves) (TAD) F2 NR2 F NU2 F' NR2 F NU2 F (9 moves) (WAD) NU' R' NU NL2 NU' R NU NL2 (8 moves) (UAD) ND' NF2 ND F2 ND' NF2 ND F2 (8 moves) (IBD) F2 NL' NB NL F2 NL' NB' NL (8 moves) (JBD) F2 NU NB2 NU' F2 NU NB2 NU' (8 moves) (KBD) NR NF' NR' F2 NR NF NR' F2 (8 moves) (LBD) NU F NU2 R' ND R NU2 R' ND' R F' NU' (12 moves) (WBD) ND2 B NL2 B' ND' B ND NL2 ND' B' ND' (11 moves) (XBD) NL' NB' R NB NL NB' R' NB (8 moves) (GID) NU NL' U' NL NU' NL' U NL (8 moves) (HID) NU NL' U2 NL NU' NL' U2 NL (8 moves) (EID) L' NF L NU' L' NF' L NU (8 moves) (FID) R' NU R' NB2 R NU' R' NB2 R2 (9 moves) (NID) L NF2 L NU' L' NF2 L NU L2 (9 moves) (OID) NF2 L NU' L' NF2 L NU L' (8 moves) (PID) NU F' ND F NU' F' ND' F (8 moves) (MID) B NU B' NL' B NU' B' NL (8 moves) (RID) NF D' NF' NU' NF D NF' NU (8 moves) (TID) NF D2 NF' NU' NF D2 NF' NU (8 moves) (QID) B2 NU B' NL2 B NU' B' NL2 B' (9 moves) (XID) B NU B' NL2 B NU' B' NL2 (8 moves) (UID) R' ND' R NU' R' ND R NU (8 moves) (VID) NB NL B NU' B' NL' B NU TB' (9 moves) (HJD) NR' F2 NR' NB' NR F2 NR' NB NR2 (9 moves) (EJD) NF' NL NF' R2 NF NL' NF' R2 NF2 (9 moves) (OJD) NB2 L NB' NL' NB L' NB' NL NB' (9 moves) (PJD) ND F' ND' NB2 ND F ND' NB2 (8 moves) (MJD) SF NU B NR B' NU' B NR' F' (9 moves) (SJD) NU' NB R2 NB' NL' NB R2 NB' NL NU (10 moves) (QJD) NF2 NL NF' R NF NL' NF' R' NF' (9 moves) (EKD) ND2 NF' ND F2 ND' NF ND F2 ND (9 moves) (FKD) NF' NL NF' R NF NL' NF' R' NF2 (9 moves) (OKD) F L' NU L ND2 L' NU' L ND2 F' (10 moves) (PKD) R ND2 R NU' R' ND2 R NU R2 (9 moves) (MKD) TU' R NU NL NU' R' NU NL' U (9 moves) (HLD) NF2 ND' F' ND NF2 ND' F ND (8 moves) (OLD) L2 NU L' ND2 L NU' L' ND2 L' (9 moves) (PLD) ND2 R NU' R' ND2 R NU R' (8 moves) (MLD) TR F NR' NF NR F' NR' NF' R' (9 moves) (SLD) U NB L2 NB' NL' NB L2 NB' NL U' (10 moves) (OFD)